Sunday, May 27, 2007

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be a t-shirt for this event? Yes! We will get a special Coolmax style racing jersey designed and produced in a very noticable color and make it available to everyone well before race day (you don't want to experiment with new clothing on race day). Odds are we'll get a cotton style t-shirt to match for supporters.

Is there going to be any kind of a class dinner along with this event? Yes! We are planning (ok, we will be planning) a pasta dinner and class event during the evenings(s) prior to the Sunday race. No details yet. If you have any ideas for speakers or special guests we could invite to a pre-race dinner, please forward to Dave or Jeff.

Are there any training groups planned? Many classmates are located in the DC area and the suggestion has already been made to establish a weekend long-run group. Consider using this blog as a means to organizing group runs.

Do we have any coaching assistance? While there is a ton of marathon training information all over the Internet, we do have a very special volunteer coach dedicated to this event. This gentleman is currently forward deployed at an undisclosed location, but pledges to get some information together at the earliest opportunity (he'll have limited connectivity for the next six weeks). His immediate advice is quite simple - just get out there and run at least a few miles several times a week. So who's the coach? Hint #1 - He's a past winner of the Marine Corps Marathon. Hint #2 - He's our classmate.


Dave Richardson said...

I know there will be a lot of discussion in the coming weeks about training plans. Many of us back in our midshipmen days used this link to train for a first marathon:

It's a good basic plan to get you there. Race day is 20 weeks from this Sunday, and the above plan is 18 weeks long. Any other good plans out there?

Anonymous said...

If there's anyone in DC area who wants to join me on Saturday morning long runs, get in contact w/ me. I usually will get going about 7:30 AM and may go for 15+ miles at a pretty slow pace (9-10 min/mile).